Marcus Schrenker

Marcus Schrenker is a 38 year old alleged crooked financial advisor from Indiana. Below, we see a snapshot of Marcus and his wife, Michelle and his Lexus and his Airplane.

Marcus has had a bad run of luck, lately. He's getting sued, left and right. His wife files for divorce and his father dies. So what does young, handsome Marcus do? He gets in his plane on Sunday and flies south. While flying over Alabama he radios a distress call, puts the plane on automatic pilot, and parachutes from the plane. He should have arranged for the plane to crash in the Gulf of Mexico. It fell short, hitting land and doing no damage or injury.
Marcus is in custody in Florida. They say he had a motorcycle waiting for him where he bailed out. Probably his biggest mistake is when he e-mailed a friend on Monday after he faked his death on Sunday.

Boys and girls, here's what we can learn from young Marcus. When you fake your death, it is very important to use a new name and to resist the temptation to correspond with old friends.

Dumb, dumb, dumb. And I bet he hadn't paid off that airplane, or the Lexus, or the house, or.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i predict that Marcus Schrenker's life will be turned into an indy film within the next year (starring Gerard Butler of course since they look so much alike)