Friday Foto - Sarah Licon

This week's Friday Foto is Sarah Licon. Sarah is a model who is based out of California - near Orange County.

 She's done some work for NOS Energy Drink. That's all I know about her. If you like what you see, you can click the image to get a larger picture.

Have a nice weekend!

Kimye Wedding Coverage

Damn - I wish I could write like this!

 From the New York Post, the Kim Kardashian - Kanye West wedding:

Jerry Vale Dies at 83

I didn't see anything about this on the Internet until I saw an obscure Associated Press story on the passing of Jerry Vale. Some of you gavones may not know who Jerry Vale was, so I am providing a link to one of his fine recordings on You Tube.


Jerry was from The Bronx. He grew up poor and earned money in High School by singing in clubs in New York City. This was long before Rock & Roll. Growing up in an Italian-American family, I am familiar with his music. His popularity peaked in the 1950s, however his songs will live on in the music piped into many of your better Italian restaurants. Jerry Vale died this past weekend, at home, in his sleep. He was 83.

Monday Foto - Maddi Hunter

Maddi Hunter
This week's Monday Foto comes to us from Australia. Maddi Hunter is a designer. More specifically, she's an artist. I did some checking around and I see that she hasn't used her Twitter account for two years. I love a good mystery, don't you?

There are several pictures of her on-line. I think that this may be the best.

Her Art business is based at Coolum Beach. Coolum Beach is on the east coast of Australia, a little north of Brisbane.

That's all I know about her. Click the picture for a slightly larger picture...and have a great week!

How To Stop A Bully

How I stopped a bully...
There's been a lot of talk about the problem of bullies. It's my opinion that the problem has gotten worse with the breakdown of the two parent family. I'm not a sociologist, but does anyone think that a kid can be brought up BETTER by one parent than by two? I don't mean to make light of bullies. In fact, I was bullied briefly as a first grader. I was a small kid and as I remember, the bully was a big kid who would make fun of me and push me around. I know that this seems odd since I'm such a cool guy, but it did, indeed happen. I found a way to stop it immediately. There was no need for counseling or anything like that. Where I went to school, all of the first grade boys went to the "Boys' Room" at the same time. Well, my bully was bothering me in the restroom. He was off to my right as I was addressing the urinal. I was so mad at the kid that I spontaneously did something ingenious. I turned to my right and gave him a golden shower. This was the end of my being bullied.

Of course, the teacher was enraged. I got in a lot of trouble. You see, this was a time when being bullied was not fully appreciated. Whatever punishment I received was worth it. I was famous for my ability to ward off bullies. If there was ever any doubt, I'd make a move toward my fly and the situation would be immediately diffused. I don't recommend this remedy for everyone. I also would not rule it out.

Use your best judgement!

Old Picture

This is an interesting picture. It's a crowded ship taking American GIs to New York Harbor following VE Day, May 8, 1945. (Click to enlarge.)

Report: Donald Sterling Has Cancer

More bad news for Sterling
The New York Post reports this morning that Los Angeles Clippers' owner Donald Sterling is battling prostate cancer. The irony here is that he recently received a lifetime ban from the NBA against any association with HIS team. Public opinion of Sterling is sour following his alleged racist remarks which were recorded by his little girlfriend. While there is controversy over whether Sterling's punishment fits his crime - did I miss the trial and conviction as we went "fast forward to the "punishment phase?"

Being an attorney, I'm sure that Sterling and his colleagues are looking at several different angles to appeal his situation. Legal appeals take time. He doesn't have much time.
It doesn't matter.

Friday Foto - Jerilyn Samuel

This week's Friday Foto features the natural beauty of Jerilyn Samuel. Jerilyn isn't a model. I believe that she is a student...somewhere, studying...something.

She has plenty of pictures on the Internet. Most of them show her partying with friends. It's easy to understand that someone who looks like this would attract a lot of attention. She may be behind this, but in the case of her being featured, here, I simply stumbled upon her picture and knew that she is definitely Friday Foto material.

Still reading? Probably not.

Click the image to see a larger picture and have a nice weekend!