after saturday
This is stupid. Let's say you own a sports bar and you're having a party on the first Sunday in February with your big screen TVs tuned to the football game between Chicago and Indianapolis. Let's say you want to run an ad on TV, radio or the newspaper. It's illegal to use the words Super Bowl, Super Sunday, Colts, or Bears.
Why? Two reasons. First, because you are not licensed by the NFL (oh, that's another word you can't use...along with AFC and NFC) You can use these words if you are reporting a bonafide news story but not if you're running an ad where you hope to make some money. That's the first reason. The second reason is because the NFL is being petty (& stupid). They're desperate to suck up every penny to help pay large salaries for players and the league. The logo which is attached to this post is probably illegal, too. Take note of the ads in the coming days. This is where "interesting" meets "downright stupid."

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