Custody Score: Kevin 2, Britney 0

Britney Spears loses custody of her kids! Shocker? Shouldn't be.
When you act like a high profile slut, you pay the price. I'm guessing that judges have access to the tabloids and the internet where they can see late night pics of Britney, three sheets to the wind, no underwear and her private parts on display. To me, that's the worst part. OK, it's late, you're drunk. Were you drunk when you decided not to wear any panties...and your dress only goes down that a dress? Hey, don't get me wrong, I'm no prude. I won't get specific, but I've done some crazy things. But, I was never a target of an army of papparazzi. If I were, I would have conducted myself differently. So should you, Brit.
Bottom line, here, is that as you mature, or as time elapses from your date of birth, most people take on additional responsibility. You know, like having kids, and actually raising them. We normal people do it all the time on a relatively limited income. Being a multi millionaire is supposed to make it easier!
I've said many times in this blog that it is amazing how money cannot buy class. And we're talking about tens of millions of dollars of net worth - and poor ol' Brit can't muster up enough dignity to win custory of her two boys?
There's another matter. It's legal trouble. In September, our Miss Brit left the scene of a fender bender. The word is that she had no valid drivers' license.
Let's stop here. How much does it cost to hire a driver in California? They say that when a celebrity dies, it comes in "threes." Well to remain current, when a celebrity goes to jail..... There's been Paris, then Nicole, and now (maybe) Britney.

Congratulations, Britney - I'm glad for you that your little song is doing well. In less than ten years you'll be the answer to a trivia question.

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