Rosie Bombs!

Rosie Live! was an hour long live variety show on NBC, Thanksgiving Eve. Did you see it. If you missed it, you didn't miss much. The ratings claim that 5 million suffered through some of the lamest TV I have ever seen! Most of the show reminded me of a painful elementary school theatrical revue. Rosie's fault? No.....and yes. It's obvious that the woman was willing to do anything to get a prime time network gig. This was not the way to do it. It was so bad that I doubt that she'll be taken seriously anytime soon. I should point out that it's not all her fault. The show's producers should find another line of work. The network execs who OKed the show for prime time air should update their resumes. The show should have been sponsored by Dish Network, DirecTV or your local cable TV company. Network shows like this are sure to stir up some business!

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