Obama Care OKed By Supes

The U.S. Supreme Court, yesterday approved the funding of Obama Care.

Their reasoning is apparently that forcing you to buy something is similar to forcing you to pay taxes.

Some people are very happy. Other's are very upset over this.

Here's what I see: Now, everyone gets health coverage regardless of whether or not they could afford it in the past.
Who's going to pay for this?
Rich people, you moron!
That's nice of them!
Not really, they will simply raise the price of what they sell. 
This way they can afford to help you cover your ass.
Sooooooo - you are getting your healthcare, but the price of everything goes up.

Is this why you can no longer buy a Big Mac for 80 cents?

Do you think that more or fewer young people will want to become doctors?
Do you think that medical service will be better or worse, now?
Do you think that our national health care will be run as well as the postal service, social security, Freddy Mac or Fanny Mae? 

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