Bardot's Conviction

Brigitte Bardot thinks that Muslims are destroying France. A year and a half ago, she wrote to France's Interior Minister, Nicholas Darkozy. Later, she published her remarks in her foundation's journal. What'd she say? That France is "tired of being led by the nose by this population that is destroying us, destroying our country by imposing its acts." Now, why would she say such a thing? She was referring to the Muslim feast of Aid el-Kebir, celebrated by slaughtering sheep. Bardot is famous for her animal rights convictions. Speaking of convictions, this is her fifth race related conviction. This time it'll cost her $23,325 + $1,555 in damages for provoking discrimination and racial hatred.
To translate: The fine is not high enough to shut her up, but it is high enough to give the impression that she is being punished.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! All great civilizations have commited suicide. The Romans, the Greeks. And currently the French from the Muslim world, the Canadians from the Quebecquois, the English from the Indo/Pakistanis, The Germans (and Cypriots) from the Turks, and California has become Mexifornia. You KNOW who's next...

Says Rocketman