Helen Thomas Resigns

I am somewhat confused about the fuss being made over the Helen Thomas Affair. Sure, she said something stupid. Stupid and ugly and hurtful and politically incorrect. This is why all of the politicians are condemning her comment about Jews and how they should leave Israel and "GO BACK HOME" to Poland or Germany or America. There are, no doubt, American politicians who privately agree with Helen Thomas. There is no way that they would publicly agree. Agreeing would be political suicide!

Two problems, here. Helen Thomas is not an elected official. She represents no geographical area of the USA. Until today she represented the Hearst Newspaper Group. Well she's gone from there...at age 89!

The other problem is that in the United States we have Freedom Of Speech. She was and is free to say anything she wants...even if what she says is stupid, ugly, hurtful, etc.

This reminds me of something that famed WABC radio disc jockey Dan Ingram used to often say, "In this business you can say anything...once."

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