Hey Dude, KISS High Def LED TV!

You've gotta hand it to Gene Simmons. The guy can make a buck. He's got his KISS logo on TV sets! They're not cheap, and they shouldn't be, because they are "Limited Editions!" Only 15,000 will be produced for worldwide distribution.

They are High Defination, LED TVs, available in 36" ($818.88), 40" ($1,188.88) and 46" ($1,388.88). Shipping is free in the Continental U.S. When you turn the sets on, you get 8 seconds of a "Live" KISS performance.

Will these things sell?
Yes, they will!

Janet Jackson For Blackglama

What do ya know, Pamela Anderson is blasting Janet Jackson for doing an ad for Blackglama fur! She says that Jackson is being greedy. Apparently, Jackson was, at one time, concerned about animal rights.

I think it's great to believe in a cause, but we should remember that we are living in a free country where people have rights. IF Janet Jackson wants to wear fur and wants to make a couple of bucks promoting the stuff, who the hell is Pamela Anderson to say that Jackson is greedy? No laws are broken here. Poor taste? What does Anderson know about good or bad taste? I find it refreshing to see that Janet Jackson is doing a promotion with her clothes ON!

Beer To The Rescue In The Gulf

Ihave long appreciated the benefit of a cold beer. Now, you can enjoy a cold one and help our friends along the Gulf Shore.

Local Louisiana Abita Beer has created a special brew which they call "SOS." (Save Our Shore) A portion of the profits will go to help the plight along the Gulf.

"We knew we needed to do something," said Abita president David Blossman. "Our neighbors were hurting and the ecology of the Gulf and the wetlands are hurting. We decided to do what we do best, which is make beer."

Could you think of a better reason to have another?

Friday Foto - Elisabetta Canalis

Elisabetta Canalis

Elisabetta Canalis is today's Friday Foto. She comes to us from Italy where she is George Clooney's girlfriend. She's also a model and......who cares!

Click the picture to get the full effect and have a nice weekend!

Ellen Quits Idol

Ellen DeGeneres says that it wasn't the right fit for her. I agree. I like Ellen. I think she's funny, but as a judge on American Idol? Nope. Basically, she repeated and agreed with whatever Randy Jackson said. She has no musical background. She had a five year contract with "Idol." She'll get out of it.

So, look for two new judges on Idol. One to replace Ellen and one to replace Simon.

I'd like to suggest Carole King and "Cousin" Bruce Morrow.

Cleveland Fans Still Pissed

While I don't condone this, I don't think a lot of brain power went into the decision to wear a LeBron James Miami Heat Jersey to a Cleveland Indians baseball game. The fan felt the wrath of the left field fans with chants. He was escorted out of the ballpark by security and a by a number of pissed off fans. This was done for the safety of the guy wearing the jersey.

To make matters worse, the fans were waiting for a chance to catch A-Rod's 600th homerun ball. It didn't happen. Oh, and the Indians lost to the Yankees, 8-0.

Would this be the same as wearing a Bucky Bent uniform shirt in Boston?

The Late Terrell Owens

So, he managed to get a job a a new NFL team and he misses his flight and is going to show up late. surprised? C'mon, Terrell, be creative! You could certainly come up with something a little more shocking than simply being late! So much for first impressions. Terrell Owens really doesn't care about being late for the Bengals first pre-season practice. The only thing that Terrell Owens cares about is Terrell Owens.

The Bengals had scheduled a news conference after their morning workout. The briefing has been postponed until following the afternoon practice. T.O. is expected to be in the neighborhood by that time.

It should be an interesting season in Cincinnati!

Latest Fashion In Mug Shot Attire!

The photo, below as sent to me. I'm not sure what to make of it? Click the picture to get the full size version.

Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen a mug shot with the subject wearing a Bob Dole, or George Bush shirt.

Michelle In Spain For Barack's Birthday

August 4 is Barack Obama's 49th birthday. The President is hosting a fundraiser. Guests can buy a ticket for $30,000.

Meanwhile, Michelle and 9 year old Sasha and some close friends will travel to the Costa del Sol resort area of southern Spain. 30 rooms have been reserved. The White House is calling it an official visit to Spain's Juan Carlos and Queen Sophia.
This is the best birthday gift that Obama could ever expect!

Chelsea Clinton Wedding Update!

The updated estimate on the cost of Chelsea Clinton's Wedding is running between $3 and 5 million. Click the adjoining picture to take a look at this $15,000 porta-potty! I am not sure how many of these will be employed at the reception.

Interesting that rental on one of these units is higher than the total cost of most American weddings.

Lindsay Lohan...who?

Lindsay Lohan
Ifound this on Facebook. A couple of my friends posted it:

Lindsay Lohan who? I cant believe the news coverage being given to a spoiled 20-something yr old.
Here are a few 20 year-olds worth knowing about:

Justin Allen 23
Brett Linley 29
Matt Weikert 29
Justus Bartett 27
Dave Santos 21
Chase Stanley 21
Jesse Reed 26
Matthew King 23
Christopher Goeke 23
Sheldon Tate 27

These 20-somethings gave their lives for you last week.

TV News With No Anchors, Reporters?

Tribune Broadcasting is having some money problems. They are experimenting with a television newscast with no anchors and no reporters! This will save a lot of money, if, of course, people actually watch it. Instead of anchors and reporters, you would be told the story with "natural sound." Natural sound is the term used in the TV biz as the sound that you would hear as the video camera is recording the event. No more "Who, What, Where, When, Why & How" to be explained by the reporter or anchor. It was the "brainchild of Lee Abrams," who previously stated his belief that "Wanna reach more 30-40? Well, start ATTACKING WITH ANTI A.D.D. NOTICABILITY."

Wow...keep it short and sweet so the little people won't get bored with the facts. I think he is forgetting that the news is broadcast to PEOPLE. People come in two genders, male and female. People still like to (I think) hear news from people. Some people prefer a male, some a female - give 'em both! Since TV is a visual and audio medium, the sound and pictures are of utmost importance. Attractive video and audio! That's why we see attractive people with good voices delivering the news. Intelligence also comes into play...if it doesn't break the budget.

Instead of "re-inventing the wheel" perhaps we should try our best to perfect it?

Chelsea Weds

I feel sorry for Chelsea Clinton. She has seen the flip side of money and fame. Daddy's scandal with Monica comes to mind. Tight security had to be a drag. Well, she's getting married. Rhinebeck, NY will never be the same! Papa Bill is pulling out all the stops. After all, she's his only daughter! (Right?) Estimates are somewhere around $2 million dollars for the nuptials. Here's a partial laundry list:

$100,000-$200,000 to rent Astor Courts
$500,00-$750,000 for two dinners and cocktail hours
$200,000 for tents
$250,000 for flowers
$40,000 for the band
$25,000-$40,000 for a "good wedding photographer"

Ah, it's a grand celebration of love between two young people! You will hear much more about this event during the week. I thought that some of these figures may be of interest, especially for you little people as we muddle through the worst recession since the great depression.

Dumping Hayward

Tony Hayward, top dog at BP is expected to get the axe, today. BP's board of directors will decide his immediate future. They are expected to name Bob Dudley, the U.S. managing director, as his replacement.
Hayward is expected to receive $23 million in salary buy outs, pension and stock. We all have our price? I'm wondering about the timing of all this. Hayward did his job. Spilling four million gallons of crude oil in the Gulf of Mexico is nothing to be proud of, but he basically did his job. His choices of words may have been a little too "direct." He also could have skipped the yacht race which some us thought was a little to "cavalier" on his part. Playing a round of golf with Obama would have been a better choice.

If Hayward is feeling bitter, his revenge could be as simple as writing a book.
Or maybe, he can send a copy of his resume to Exxon-Mobil?

New Way To Thank A Combat Vet?

It's a little ironic that we have Combat Veterans who have served and who are bravely serving so that the rest of us may remain safe and not have to do what they are doing. Take a moment to think about that. Now take a moment to think about how we thank these brave people. Yeah there are benefits, schooling, etc. I have an idea of how we can show our appreciation. Upon separation from active duty, we give each combat veteran a tax exempt status! This would affect Federal, State and Local taxes - like a religious tax exemption. What do you think? Is "not taking" better than "giving?"

By the way, I am a non-combat veteran.

Brickyard 400? No Thanks!

Ilive 90 minutes west of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. I've been there many times for the "500" and last year I satisfied my curiosity by attending the Brickyard 400. It was incredibly (yawn) mediocre! I'm sure that the NASCAR drivers are the best at what they do. The fact is that the Indianapolis Motor Speedway is NOT A NASCAR TRACK! It is a 2 1/2 mile oval which was originally built to test automobiles. Through the years, the "Indy Cars" have been designed to handle this specific track. In NASCAR, the opposite is true, the racetracks were constructed to handle the cars. Do you see the difference?
Another reason that I am saying "no thanks" to the Brickyard, this year is the piss poor job of routing traffic around the track and to and from the Interstate. Half the travel time on my 87 mile trip, after the race, is spent on the three miles from the track to the Interstate.

After all these years, they still can't get it right.

Zsa Zsa Gabor: Critical

Fifties & sixties glamour queen Zsa Zsa Gabor remains in critical condition following a blood transfusion and hip replacement surgery. The 93 year old fell out of bed last weekend.

Sad - she's married to a gold digging phony and she remains partially paralyzed from a 2002 car accident. I'm not a big fan but I think she deserves better.

Gay Terrorist

You may have been wondering how to spot a gay terrorist. I say that you may have been wondering, because I know that I certainly have not.

There you go! We believe that his name is Yomama Bin Shoppin'

Banks Continue To Fail

We have been hearing how the poor economic times, or the slow economy is improving. Someone should tell this to the banks! The 101st bank failure in the USA happened last week. This compares with 57 at this time last year. At this rate, we should easily surpass last year's total of 140.

Maybe if they offered a toaster for opening a new account...

Kerry's Yacht

I have no special like or dislike of wealthy people. It's the hypocrites that I can't stand! Massachusetts Senator John Kerry bought a boat. It would be more proper to call it a yacht as it measures 76 feet. It features two VIP cabins, a wet bar and cold wine storage and was designed by Rhode Island boat designer Ted Fontaine.

Here's the kicker. By purchasing the dinghy in Rhode Island and docking it there, he avoids paying Massachusetts state sales and excise taxes. The boat cost around $7 million and he saves roughly $500,000 in sales and excise taxes by buying and mooring the yacht in Rhode Island.

Here's what he should have done. Assuming that he has a strict budget of $7 million to buy a boat. He could have shopped around for a used boat for, say $6 million. He could have easily afforded to pay the Massachusetts sales and excise taxes, dock the boat in his home state and had money left over to stock the yacht's bar and to buy some fuel! He also would have avoided this embarrassing post.

We should remember this the next time Kerry votes for a tax increase.

Bell Trims Some Fat

The blue collar City of Bell, California, a suburb of Los Angeles, took a step today to trim some fat from its budget. You won't believe the numbers!

First, there was the city's Chief Administrative Officer, Robert Rizzo who was pulling down $787,637 a year. Assistant City Manager, Angela Spaccia was "earning" $376,288 annually, and Police Chief Randy Adams copped a cool $457,000!

The trio got their walking papers at last night's City Council meeting. None of the three will receive any severance, however, they will each get a generous pension: Rizzo $650,000 a year, Adams $411,000 and Spaccia $250,000 beginning when she reaches age 55.

Before we blame these people, we should ask ourselves, who authorized these salaries?

Friday Foto - Miesha

This week's Friday Foto comes to us from sunny California! 

Miesha is a model/actress/dancer. She's done TV commercials for Pepsi and Mitsubishi.

As usual, click the picture to get the full effect and have a nice weekend!

No Toilet Paper for Newark!

Cory Booker has a problem. The 41 year old second term mayor of Newark, New Jersey finds himself short $70 million. He doesn't want to increase property taxes, they've already gone up 19% in the past 5 years! The city of Newark is no longer buying toilet paper for municipal bathrooms. They are also not buying gas for city vehicles unless absolutely necessary. (?) There is the possibility that up to 350 police and firefighters will be laid off this year in Newark. Where's the money going?

So, for the near future, we can expect Newark employees to bring their own toilet paper to work - I hope.

Interesting Used Car Ad

From Germany, our chief European Correspondent, Benny Brown, sends us the following ad.

We at the blog feel that it could be a trendsetter! Click the picture for a better look!

Man Breaks Into Bar - Sells Drinks For 4 Days

The historic Valencia Club in Penryn, California had been closed for more than a year. Suddenly, it reopened, sorta.

Police say that 29 year old Travis Kevie broke into the place, earlier this month, with a six pack of cold beer, sold it and used the profit to buy some fresh stock. This continued for four days. The local paper published a story on the rebirth of the bar! This was a rare case of free publicity being bad publicity, for Kevie. Cops read the story, smelled a rat and took Kevie from behind the bar and put him behind bars.

Kevie is being held in the Placer County Jail for burglary and selling alcohol without a license.

Chalk this up as a minor blow to the underground economy which is doing so well. I wonder why?

Ralph Houk Dies

Ralph Houk, The Major, has died. I remember as a small boy, that Houk became manager of the Yankees in 1961 and won three pennants and two World Series titles before being promoted to General Manager. They should have kept him as manager. I remember two things about Houk, after all these years, he had a temper and he knew how to win. He was famous for his passionate arguments with umpires. Houk is tied with Billy Martin for 14th most major league ejections!

Above this, Houk was a true war hero! During WWII, he enlisted in the armed forces, became an Army Ranger, and received a battlefield commission, rising from private to major. He was a combat veteran of Bastogne and the Battle of the Bulge, and was awarded the Silver Star, Purple Heart and Bronze Star.

Tommy Lasorda played for Houk, briefly, in Denver. Lasorda said that he styled his managerial ways after Ralph Houk.

R.I.P. Major