Spike TV - Get More...Commercials!

Spike is the cable/satellite tv channel (or network, as they like to be called)that is geared for men. Well, recently, during their broadcast of HBO's Entourage, they were airing commercial breaks as long as ten minutes! Imagine, 20 thirty second commercials in a row. This is unfair to the viewer and, you may not have thought of this, unfair to the advertiser. In commercial broadcasting, there is a catch 22, of sorts. If a TV stations audience is small, they must charge less money for commercials. With less money per commercial, they must air more commercials. If they air too many commercials, nobody will watch. Lots of guys dvr their shows and fast forward through the commercials. That's why cable/satellite stations will promote upcoming programs, on the screen, while we are trying to watch a show.

How's this for an idea, Spike? Promote a "Commercial Free October!" build up your audience and quadruple your ad rates and run 1/3 the amount of commercials, in November, that you previously ran!

Result: More money, more viewers!
You're welcome.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I recently tried to watch Band of Brothers on SPIKE TV but got so fed up with commercials that I tuned out. I bought the DVD Series instead and cancelled my cable completely 2 months later, and have no regrets. Best thing I've done.